Minimal processing power, RAM, and storage are required, unless you intend to monitor hundreds of machines on a high-bandwidth pipe. 只需要最低程度的处理能力、RAM和存储,除非您打算在一个高带宽通道中监视成百上千的计算机。
To start PPRC, the minimal required resources are two storage systems connected with FCP/ ESCON links. 若要启动PPRC,所需资源至少应包括两个通过FCP/ESCON链路相连接的存储系统。
Links, which are relatively fast to create and consume minimal storage capacity, are created in the Web content library, and the content is maintained in the document library. 而是在Web内容库中创建链接,在文档库中维护内容,链接的创建速度相当快,而且这种方式可以减少存储空间。
Process Gigabyte files with minimal storage growth 以最小的存储增长处理千兆字节的文件
We recommend that you provide an appropriate login for these agents, follow the principle of granting the minimal rights that are required, and protect the storage of all passwords. 建议您为这些代理提供合适的登录名,遵循授予所需的最小权限的原则,并保护所有密码的存储。
In some operating systems, a minimal allocatable physical unit of storage. 在某些操作系统中,可分配的最小物理存储单位。
Therefore as long as at least minimal best practices for tape storage are adhered to, tape remains the silent defender of data at the back end of any intelligently designed storage system. 只要坚持最低限度的磁带存储管理方式,磁带仍然是任何智能规划存储系统后端数据的沉默守卫者。
In the design of Video Post-Processing System, this paper presents a minimal resource architecture, which achieves all the video format conversions but uses minimum operation units and storage. 视频后处理系统的设计中,提出了一种最小资源的实现方法,该方法在具备视频后处理常用视频格式转换功能的前提下,达到了运算量和存储量的最优。
A dynamic replication model base on minimal access cost of wide-area storage virtualization 广域存储虚拟化的一种基于最小代价副本管理模型
This section can be divided into DSP minimal system, image storage module and image transmission module. 该部分包含DSP最小系统、图像存储模块和图像传输模块。
We propose Galerkin method and minimal residual method for iteratively solving generalized Sylvester equations. The algorithms use Krylov subspace for which orthogonal basis are generated by the Arnoldi procedure and reduce the storage space required by using the structure of the matrix. 我们给出迭代求解广义Sylvester方程的Galerkin方法和极小残量方法,这两种方法都利用Arnoldi过程构造某个Krylov子空间的一组正交规范基并利用系数矩阵的结构减少了对存储量的需求。